Saturday, August 04, 2007

Antonio comes again!!! five minutes five minutes :)

Hi everybody!!!!

It´s true if nobody writes something, this great webside wont´t work properly cause it needs our contribution. Well I am gonna tell a summary of my life….otherwise you can not survive after telling my whole life hehehe. I am still in the university doing my 3 subjects I have left to finish my career. In terms of work… what can I say… it´d be better if I get a new job cause what I am doing now it´s a little bit boring …. I am doing some administration job…. Which means….be bored all the time hehehe.
I have also really good news about my relationship with my girlfriend. After a long period of problems finally we are now in our best moment since long time. Of course we are arguing sometimes but according to “normal” things into the relationship.
The rest of my life is really good….. I am just trying to enjoy the life as much as I can.
Ahhh, as I suppose you know it was a tremendous disaster in Gran Canaria in terms of fires in the forests. Ohh my god, although I didn´t have any problems I saw too many people suffering cause they had lost everything….. I hope it wont´t happened again.
Well, this summer I ´d like to go out, doing barbecues, going to the beach…. Taking advantages of my student life hehehe.

P.d: Come on people, Christoph needs us to go on with this wonderful idea so don´t be lazy and write something hehehe.

I add a picture of a birthday of my best friend (the biguest guy hehe)


Christoph said...

Hey Carlos,

unbelievable, but you managed to do it all by yourself... I'm really impressed...

Take care my friend

carlos_25 said...

Come on my dear Christoph, you know that I´m a professional in terms of the computers so for me it was too easier to do it hehehehe. :)

Take care you too my friend and thanks for yours emails