Sunday, April 30, 2006

Blekerslaan 4

Hi there,

yes, I am jealous…. :-( I would love to be in Groningen now or better the days before. It is not enough that I have to do some programming stuff and can´t go to Groningen. Furthermore I sit here and feel as I had a hedgehog for breakfast. So I have a really fat cold.

Well, enough self-pity for today.

I wish you all a great time in Groningen! Enjoy and take a little bit care. :-)

Can´t wait for the pictures. :-)


Hi again,

I'm very fucked up and I can tell you.... it was very nice yesterday and the day before...
the italians arrived yesterday and brought their wine with them we sold at groote Markt...very funny, and there will be some more videos and stuff when I'm back in Germany tomorrow night.

Just some pics to get an impression what those of you who unfortunately couldn't come missed...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Queen's Day

Hi people,

just woke up again after a long long queen' night...

OK, and then there was the italians coming (Luca , Lavinia...)

So I had to take some wines................................

There will be pics from their Caravan....

now I just put some pics how we 're enjoying Blekerslaan right now....

Friday, April 28, 2006

Hi everybody,

just woke up, took a shower in the d-floor, and now I got to go recharge my mobile...
By the way my dutch number on which you can call me and send messages is:


so, we will meet today 6 o'clock in Blekerslaan. And on Sunday there'll be a Barbecue in the bike racks...



Thursday, April 27, 2006

Just for starters!!!

Hi guys,

ok, I'm back again in OUR HOUSE, just met some people who seem nice, have to go down get some beers soon, I just wanted to tell you that I will take care of everything here.

Billard table gone, pingpong table gone, but the rest seems quite familiar.

I will put some photos later on, but now I really got to go back to socialize.

All the best to you and it's really a pity that some of you can't be here for the weekend, you would love the house and this atmosphere, believe me...



Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Weekend in Groningen

Hi everybody,

it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon on a rainy wednesday in Germany now and tomorrow at that time I will hopefully already be in Holland!!! Not Groningen yet, but somewhere around Zwolle maybe...
And tomorrow night, guess where I will be...

So I just want to tell those who are coming later (friday, saturday) that everything will be prepared for your arrivals, hope the weather is going to be good, cause I'd like to do a barbecue one day.

And to those who can't come to join us, well I will take my laptop and video camera with me, so you can expect some news from the weekend and of course some photos as well. Just check the site every once in a while at the weekend.

I will do that to keep you informed, not as you might think to make you jealous... ;-)

Next posting will be tomorrow evening when I will have arrived in Groningen.

Cheers and a good weekend for all of you (whether in Groningen or somewhere else in the world).


Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Long Way Home

Another video online...available as always at "links"



World Map

Since I put a tool on the site to count the visitors on friday night, we had visits from all over the world as you might see.

So if you ask yourself "Well, fine, I see the USA, some Europe stuff and something near China, that's ok! But who the f##k is in Brazil...???" - I have another "beer award" for the first one who tells me who was visiting the page from there...

Good luck



Thursday, April 13, 2006

VIVA COLONIA available at "links"

Hi again!

I have something else to tell you: At "links" you can find your way to the "Viva Colonia" video. And hopefully a version of "Family House" as well, I'm working on that. It's not a very good quality, but that is because of restrictions concerning the filesize (for the internet...).

Just in case you want to see it again ;-)



P.S.: If it stops and is slow, you just press the "pause" button on the player and then you wait for some minutes so that the computer has enough time to transfer the file.

good luck


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Links to other pages

Hey people,

just a short note: take a look at "links" , I put Dario's photopage and James' Blog over there. A lot of nice pics at Dario and some really nice stories from James and his children on his page.

If anyone of you has a homepage as well, just tell me and I will put the link here.

Take care,
