Monday, July 10, 2006
The World Was In Germany - A Time To Make Friends!!!
first of all: Congratulations to Italy!!!
You did it as Luca said: in 1990 we took the Cup from Rome, now you took it from Berlin. Fair enough!!!
Some impressions from the last weeks, it was really a good time, great atmosphere in the cities...
the World Champions
and of course: Holland
And many many others...
See you soon
The Pope is German but God is Italian!!!
and we got it! After 24 years and a whole generation grown up with the myth of
And at the end, I'm proud to say that i was prophetic...
"as Luca said: We won the title in Italy 16 years ago, so now Italy has the chance to win it in Germany...Sounds just!"
Sounds totally just, and we got it!
Sorry my French friends, but next time give Zizou some tranquillizer ok?
Now the party will go on for at least a week...what can i say...
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Félicitations France!
Zizou is back and that's good. Hope we're gonna see a nice game on sunday (as I heard from Italy, maybe some Blekerslaanians will be in France, what's up???)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Congratulations Italy!!!
a very sad day for us yesterday...we lost against Italy and won't be World Champion this time...
Anyway, I wish Italy all the best for the final now!!! Good luck and as Luca said: We won the title in Italy 16 years ago, so now Italy has the chance to win it in Germany...Sounds just!
By the way, the picture was taken some days ago at the last game, when the world still seemed alright ;-)
See you
Monday, June 26, 2006
Hey all,
I'm finally done with teaching and that means one thing...I'm coming back to Europe for the summer!!!! I just wanted to make one last post to see if any of you are travelling during the summer. Since I will be travelling by myself, I can always use a partner in crime (or someone to make sure I get back to the hostel alive). I will also be staying at Blekerslaan around the second week of July. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible this summer!
P.S. Fucking cheating Portuguese (no offense)
Friday, June 23, 2006
the sailing trip was great, pictures will follow next week. For now I just put the FAMILY HOUSE - Movie online, finally...(you can find it on the right side at "links"). The quality is very bad because I had to make the file smaller, but I think soon there might be a solution to that problem.
At least Tyson, you can finally see it...
And as always with these videos: if it's slow and not running well, just press the "pause" button and wait till the video is loaded, ok?
Enjoy the sun guys and have a good time
Thursday, June 15, 2006
all of us will always remember those good times.... they will be stories for our grandchildren (*censored versions of course 8)
USA is very good now. My business is doing well and my goals of buying a home are true! its been 1 year since i have lived here and so much has been acomplished. its a very gratifying feeling seeing the rewards of the hard work i have put in the past 6 months with my business in real estate.
Sanna is living here with me. she got an internship here and we are doing quite well. after we both work hard all day we dont have much energy left to go out and party or anything super crazy like that.... life is offering different experiences at this time, and i like them alot.
i just wanted to log on to the blog adn say WHADDDD UPPPPP????
I hope you are doing well with your lives...
all the best from that crazy guy from teh USofA. take care all
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
long time I didn't have time to write something, and actually I don't have time right now...
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to be back in Holland for a couple of days to go sailing on the "Ijsselmeer"...
So expect some pics from this trip soon next week.
Don't worry about the Queen's Day-Movie, I found a program to edit these video files and I hope I will find some time soon to cut it...
So long, take care all of you
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Back in Germany!
I'm back in Germany! After a long, long (well only 7 hours) trip by train during the night I arrived yesterday morning at 5 o'clock. Had to wake up not so long afterwards to go to university...and I DID!!!!!
Anyway, for me it was a very nice weekend, I enjoyed it a lot to meet some people from the last year's Blekerslaan crew, the rest of the Groningen crew and the people from this year's Blekerslaan crew. They were really nice too, and which is an important point: they didn't complain at all about having around 25 ex-residents in their/our living room and kitchen, playing football, having big dinner listening to some very loud music etc. (you sureley remember what I'm talking about...).
Ok, I will put some pics now, and I'm working on some video stuff, but it will take some days I think...
My way to Groningen on thursday: Stop in Cologne!!!
Groote Markt on saturday afternoon
Article in a newspaper about some problems at the last Blekerslaan-Party
"old" and "new" together in front of the house sitting in the sun
"The Italian Wine Corner" at Groote Markt. I still have the sign, I will bring it when we do it again, ok?
Andrew trying to empty the 130 litres of italian red wine...
And afterwards...tryin' to bring Frauke to ... I don't remember... --- somewhere!
Some Spaghetti on sunday evening in B'laan
Reunion picture...
And the departure of the "Wine Corner" (and believe it or not: they made it back to Italy...)
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Blekerslaan 4
yes, I am jealous…. :-( I would love to be in
Well, enough self-pity for today.
I wish you all a great time in
Can´t wait for the pictures. :-)
I'm very fucked up and I can tell you.... it was very nice yesterday and the day before...
the italians arrived yesterday and brought their wine with them we sold at groote Markt...very funny, and there will be some more videos and stuff when I'm back in Germany tomorrow night.
Just some pics to get an impression what those of you who unfortunately couldn't come missed...
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Queen's Day
Friday, April 28, 2006
just woke up, took a shower in the d-floor, and now I got to go recharge my mobile...
By the way my dutch number on which you can call me and send messages is:
so, we will meet today 6 o'clock in Blekerslaan. And on Sunday there'll be a Barbecue in the bike racks...
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Just for starters!!!
ok, I'm back again in OUR HOUSE, just met some people who seem nice, have to go down get some beers soon, I just wanted to tell you that I will take care of everything here.
Billard table gone, pingpong table gone, but the rest seems quite familiar.
I will put some photos later on, but now I really got to go back to socialize.
All the best to you and it's really a pity that some of you can't be here for the weekend, you would love the house and this atmosphere, believe me...
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Weekend in Groningen
it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon on a rainy wednesday in Germany now and tomorrow at that time I will hopefully already be in Holland!!! Not Groningen yet, but somewhere around Zwolle maybe...
And tomorrow night, guess where I will be...
So I just want to tell those who are coming later (friday, saturday) that everything will be prepared for your arrivals, hope the weather is going to be good, cause I'd like to do a barbecue one day.
And to those who can't come to join us, well I will take my laptop and video camera with me, so you can expect some news from the weekend and of course some photos as well. Just check the site every once in a while at the weekend.
I will do that to keep you informed, not as you might think to make you jealous... ;-)
Next posting will be tomorrow evening when I will have arrived in Groningen.
Cheers and a good weekend for all of you (whether in Groningen or somewhere else in the world).
Sunday, April 16, 2006
World Map
So if you ask yourself "Well, fine, I see the USA, some Europe stuff and something near China, that's ok! But who the f##k is in Brazil...???" - I have another "beer award" for the first one who tells me who was visiting the page from there...
Good luck
Thursday, April 13, 2006
VIVA COLONIA available at "links"
I have something else to tell you: At "links" you can find your way to the "Viva Colonia" video. And hopefully a version of "Family House" as well, I'm working on that. It's not a very good quality, but that is because of restrictions concerning the filesize (for the internet...).
Just in case you want to see it again ;-)
P.S.: If it stops and is slow, you just press the "pause" button on the player and then you wait for some minutes so that the computer has enough time to transfer the file.
good luck
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Links to other pages
just a short note: take a look at "links" , I put Dario's photopage and James' Blog over there. A lot of nice pics at Dario and some really nice stories from James and his children on his page.
If anyone of you has a homepage as well, just tell me and I will put the link here.
Take care,
Saturday, March 25, 2006
ME or it is better to say " ANTONIO" in my crazy life
Hey My friends!!!!!!!!!! Great idea Christoph!!!! I knew that something like that you were able to create after your amazing video, which you made for us about the wonderful experience to meet all of you. Is nice to have the chance to go to this page and realize what is going on in our lifes. About my life..... what Can I say..... I just try to enjoy as much as I can what I am doing.... I am studying my last year at university..... working for a consulting company( as a public relation) and the most important is.... going to the beach, going out with friends, doing barbacuis and so on. It is a pity but I am not able to go and meet all of you in the Queen´s day, but next time I promiss I will do my best.
And now my friends, just continue doing the best to keep this great idea adding your comments.
PD: I add a picture which you can realize that I am a responsible guy hehehe
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Hello there...
My dear Blekerslaanians.
I cant wait to see you all again soon - we had such a beautiful time on which I´m thinking so much and which turned my life so good. Please, the Italian crew, get rather a coach, start tomorrow and pick up all the people around the world and bring them to Groningen...Until the Queensday I will have finished my thesis and have hopefully more than one reason to celebrate. But before some leisure time in Budapest :-) I cant wait for that. Anything else is going fine - I´m really happy. So please all take care and we´ll see us very soon and make some more pictures for this great blog...
Greetings from here.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Hello there folks. Big up to my man Christoph for the excellent idea!!!!! Anyhow, I just wanted to let you all know that I will certainly attempt to come for the reunion, however, the cheapest flights I've found were around $800 (wayyy too much). Nonetheless, I plan on seeing most of you this summer (or at least those who've responded to my email ;) Right now I'm chillin teaching, and going to grad school in Philadelphia, and I'm just about to move into my new apt. (Laura and I are no longer). I look forward to keeping in contact with you all...
Monday, March 20, 2006
Oviedo calling!
How is everything going on?
I´m just bussy finshing my PhD, I´m supossed to leave a copy of the thesis before summer...which is quite unprobable...but I should do it, and then the presentation will be in september or later. That´s why I won´t be in Groningen for Queens day, also cause is not easy (cheap) to get to Groningen from here... I hope you´ll be able to post some pictures of the party to let us know how was it!
Nothing else from Oviedo, I have to keep on working...this is my first pic here (it is already at my fotolog you can leave your comments also there!), won´t be the last!
Take care!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
How to use it!!!
this is a short 3-step instruction how to write something here and how to add pictures.
Should be easy to follow, if you have any problems just tell me.
AND: I don't know how much webspace we have here, so please try to upload pictures that are not too big, so that everybody gets his space.
After you succesfully created your account (using the link in the invitation email I sent to you), you simply go to if you want to add something.
And then as follows:
1. step
3. step
Italy calling!
First post from Italy (I hope not last!)
We (me and Lavinia) are going to surprise you for Queen's day!: like most of you already know, we're planning to rent a van for a road trip across Europe... from Milano to Groningen!
If someone needs a ride, here there's the map of our route: we're ready to make variations to pick you up! (i mean, if it's geographically possible: not ireland, sorry Karen!;-)
Ps: Cristoph, i can't add pics! is it because i'm not german?
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Blekerslaan 4-Blog finally online!!!
this is the new meeting point for Blekerslaan residents and friends. Write, add pics and whatever.
A good way to share news about our lives.
Use it!