I'm back in Germany! After a long, long (well only 7 hours) trip by train during the night I arrived yesterday morning at 5 o'clock. Had to wake up not so long afterwards to go to university...and I DID!!!!!
Anyway, for me it was a very nice weekend, I enjoyed it a lot to meet some people from the last year's Blekerslaan crew, the rest of the Groningen crew and the people from this year's Blekerslaan crew. They were really nice too, and which is an important point: they didn't complain at all about having around 25 ex-residents in their/our living room and kitchen, playing football, having big dinner listening to some very loud music etc. (you sureley remember what I'm talking about...).
Ok, I will put some pics now, and I'm working on some video stuff, but it will take some days I think...

My way to Groningen on thursday: Stop in Cologne!!!

Groote Markt on saturday afternoon

Article in a newspaper about some problems at the last Blekerslaan-Party

"old" and "new" together in front of the house sitting in the sun

"The Italian Wine Corner" at Groote Markt. I still have the sign, I will bring it when we do it again, ok?

Andrew trying to empty the 130 litres of italian red wine...

And afterwards...tryin' to bring Frauke to ... I don't remember... --- somewhere!

Some Spaghetti on sunday evening in B'laan

Reunion picture...

And the departure of the "Wine Corner" (and believe it or not: they made it back to Italy...)
Man, no images shown! why?
Hi Luca,
I don't know, maybe a problem with your connectrion... I see the pics on my computer
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