Thursday, February 28, 2008

3 weeks to go...

Hi everybody,

how are you?? Well, I can't wait to just go to Groningen and see all of you. And from a lot of emails from you guys I know you feel the same...

So who are we so far?

For sure:
Flo, Lia, Jaime, Maura, Javi, James, Tiffany and her husband, Karen, Denise, Frauke, Peter, Hanjo, Cheryl

And maybe some more, I'm working on it...

There is a small problem with the sleeping topic. I asked the student manager at Blekerslaan and he told me that he didn't have any room for us...too bad, but well, we should try to find something else then.

Hanjo offered some places on the floor of his appartment for us, some already booked a B&B.
We can try again at the hostel, although I already emailed them and they said they were booked out...anyway, sometimes they don't really know what's happening in their own house...

If anybody still has some friends in Groningen where people could stay or knows some cheap places to sleep, just post it here and let's see what happens...

See you soon and if you have any further questions, just tell me!


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