Hi everybody,
it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon on a rainy wednesday in Germany now and tomorrow at that time I will hopefully already be in Holland!!! Not Groningen yet, but somewhere around Zwolle maybe...
And tomorrow night, guess where I will be...

So I just want to tell those who are coming later (friday, saturday) that everything will be prepared for your arrivals, hope the weather is going to be good, cause I'd like to do a barbecue one day.
And to those who can't come to join us, well I will take my laptop and video camera with me, so you can expect some news from the weekend and of course some photos as well. Just check the site every once in a while at the weekend.
I will do that to keep you informed, not as you might think to make you jealous... ;-)
Next posting will be tomorrow evening when I will have arrived in Groningen.
Cheers and a good weekend for all of you (whether in Groningen or somewhere else in the world).