Saturday, March 25, 2006

ME or it is better to say " ANTONIO" in my crazy life

Hey My friends!!!!!!!!!! Great idea Christoph!!!! I knew that something like that you were able to create after your amazing video, which you made for us about the wonderful experience to meet all of you. Is nice to have the chance to go to this page and realize what is going on in our lifes. About my life..... what Can I say..... I just try to enjoy as much as I can what I am doing.... I am studying my last year at university..... working for a consulting company( as a public relation) and the most important is.... going to the beach, going out with friends, doing barbacuis and so on. It is a pity but I am not able to go and meet all of you in the Queen´s day, but next time I promiss I will do my best.

And now my friends, just continue doing the best to keep this great idea adding your comments.

PD: I add a picture which you can realize that I am a responsible guy hehehe

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hello there...

My dear Blekerslaanians.

I cant wait to see you all again soon - we had such a beautiful time on which I´m thinking so much and which turned my life so good. Please, the Italian crew, get rather a coach, start tomorrow and pick up all the people around the world and bring them to Groningen...Until the Queensday I will have finished my thesis and have hopefully more than one reason to celebrate. But before some leisure time in Budapest :-) I cant wait for that. Anything else is going fine - I´m really happy. So please all take care and we´ll see us very soon and make some more pictures for this great blog...

Greetings from here.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hello there folks. Big up to my man Christoph for the excellent idea!!!!! Anyhow, I just wanted to let you all know that I will certainly attempt to come for the reunion, however, the cheapest flights I've found were around $800 (wayyy too much). Nonetheless, I plan on seeing most of you this summer (or at least those who've responded to my email ;) Right now I'm chillin teaching, and going to grad school in Philadelphia, and I'm just about to move into my new apt. (Laura and I are no longer). I look forward to keeping in contact with you all...

Can't wait to go here again... get some of those!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Oviedo calling!

Hi all!
How is everything going on?
I´m just bussy finshing my PhD, I´m supossed to leave a copy of the thesis before summer...which is quite unprobable...but I should do it, and then the presentation will be in september or later. That´s why I won´t be in Groningen for Queens day, also cause is not easy (cheap) to get to Groningen from here... I hope you´ll be able to post some pictures of the party to let us know how was it!

Nothing else from Oviedo, I have to keep on working...this is my first pic here (it is already at my fotolog you can leave your comments also there!), won´t be the last!

Take care!

Bikes at Groote Markt

view from my old room (C 10)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Csilla leaving Groningen

How to use it!!!

Hi everyone,

this is a short 3-step instruction how to write something here and how to add pictures.
Should be easy to follow, if you have any problems just tell me.

AND: I don't know how much webspace we have here, so please try to upload pictures that are not too big, so that everybody gets his space.




After you succesfully created your account (using the link in the invitation email I sent to you), you simply go to if you want to add something.

And then as follows:

1. step


3. step

Italy calling!

Hi people!
First post from Italy (I hope not last!)

We (me and Lavinia) are going to surprise you for Queen's day!: like most of you already know, we're planning to rent a van for a road trip across Europe... from Milano to Groningen!
If someone needs a ride, here there's the map of our route: we're ready to make variations to pick you up! (i mean, if it's geographically possible: not ireland, sorry Karen!;-)


Ps: Cristoph, i can't add pics! is it because i'm not german?

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Our the middle of the street...

It's a first picture to see how it works...

Blekerslaan 4-Blog finally online!!!

Hi people,

this is the new meeting point for Blekerslaan residents and friends. Write, add pics and whatever.
A good way to share news about our lives.

Use it!
